How to Make a Donation

Whether you are an alumnus, faculty member, or staff member, you may have records, documents, or other materials that would help document the life of the College. If you are interested in donating to the Pitzer College Archives, please contact Stacy Elliott.
The Archives collects materials that supplement the official records of the College, especially materials that document the experience of being a student at Pitzer. We welcome the following types of materials from alumni:
- Diaries or journals
- Personal correspondence
- Scrapbooks
- Photographs
- Examinations
- Syllabi
- Class notes
- Films and audiotapes
- Commencement ephemera
Faculty and Emeriti
The Archive is also interested in documenting all aspects of its faculty's careers, including evidence of teaching methods, research, contacts with individuals and organizations in the particular field of interest, and the contributions to the administration and governance of the College.

We ask emeriti and current faculty to consider donating the following types of materials:
- Biographical material, including resumes, vitae, bibliographies, newspaper clippings, and biographical questionnaires
- Correspondence, including official outgoing/incoming correspondence and memoranda generated in the course of conducting College business, professional outgoing/incoming correspondence with colleagues, publishers, professional societies, students, etc.
- Diaries, notebooks, appointment calendars and memorabilia
- Class lecture notes, syllabi, course outlines, reading lists, and examinations
- Publications, reviews, speeches, and articles
- Research files
- Field group and committee records
- Photographs
College Clubs
Pitzer College Archives collects materials that document the history and activities of the various Pitzer clubs. This is a vital part of Pitzer's story that we would like to document for future generations.